I recommend this title to anyone who has missed it when it was released, as well as anyone who is just a fan of the fighting game genre. With this mechanic, players can switch between two of the available characters from the SNK and Capcom games, just like the Marvel vs Capcom series, as well as a few unlockable characters.Īll in all the game has aged pretty well, everyone who enjoyed SNK and Capcom games will love the mashup. Best of all, the game has a tag team mechanic, which some veteran players will be accustomed to. It only offers two buttons, one for punch and one for kick, but the button response are fast. Gameplay is actually fluent and feels great for this title. you can lose yourself to some familiar songs. Every hit feels good because of the SFX’s, and with that mixed with the music score. Not much to say other than the sound and music score is excellent for the title since it pulled music from a lot of SNK and Capcom titles in the form of chiptunes.
Sure you can take these off, and fix the aspect ratio, but I feel like they should of had it full screen to start with, especially since the Switch has such a large screen. The main gripe I had is that the game has a small aspect ratio, and the default borders that are supposed to replicate the Neo Geo Pocket Color. That does not mean there aren’t some flaws with the visuals for this port. The animation of each fighter represents them well for a handheld from the era, and has not disappointed expectations for a re-release. The title sequence has aged pretty well, and this is the same when it comes to actual gameplay. When turning on SNK VS CAPCOM: THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM players will be greeted to welcoming fists! The nostalgic presentation of classic SNK/ CAPCOM fighting title screens of the mid to late 90’s, awesome animations, and sprite work immediate jumps out at the player. SNK VS CAPCOM: THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM had a lot of positive feedback from reviewers back when it was launched on the handheld, but we can see if it matches up to modern standards, if the game has aged well enough to meet the expectations of an audience new to the Fighting Game Community (FGC), and players that just enjoy old fighting game titles. These title’s sold pretty well over seas, but did not gain much attraction in North America, which might be why many Westerners have never heard of the handheld, or even SNK VS CAPCOM: THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM – a spin off title from the Capcom vs SNK Series, which was a big hit in the arcades. SNK, at the time, released a number of ports and original titles for the handheld system. SNK is known for their reputable arcade titles, sprite work, and addicting gameplay. This title was given to the NCG team for review purposesīack in 1999, the handheld system the NeoGeo Pocket Color by SNK was released.